Website made using only Xara Web Designer, and no other graphics or software tools.How We Do ItThere is no extra charge for us to show you what your lettering will look like before we do it. Because we do this anyway as part of the process as explained below. This gives you the opportunity to see exactly what you are getting. First we take a picture of yourvehicle. Stop by and we get a goodshot of your vehicle from the correctangle so that we can work with it.We scale this photo to full size onthe computer.Next we design the new letteringand put it in place on the picture of your vehicle. Here the design isshown out of place so you can seeit’s not already part of the truck.Since we scaled the photo to fullsize all of the design elements arefull size as well. So if you like thedesign it is already the right size forproduction. This is the photo you see. It really helps you make yourdecision because you’re not left onyour own to imagine what yourvehicle will look like. Plus you knowthat there will be no surprises whenyou come to pick it up.With the design approved we moveinto production and application. Here is your finished vehicle looking just like it did when you approved it. We feel this process helps us do thebest job for you and helps you makeyour decision because you can seeit before it’s done.