Website made using only Xara Web Designer, and no other graphics or software tools.Often times illuminated signs will need replacement lamps. We provide the lamps and the service to change them at a very reasonable price. While we have the sign open we also make note of any discrepancies or issues inside the sign and will report to you if we find something that needs attention. We also log this information for any future use should you call for repairs.Also, on the subject of replacing lamps: Let's say your sign uses 4 lamps. You notice half the sign is out and we determine that two of your lamps are burned out. We get there and find your sign cabinet easy to get into so that we need only charage the minimum one hour labor to change the two lamps. Easy enough. But while we have your sign open we'll suggest changing all 4 lamps at once. There's good reason for that. The cost of each lamp is about 1/5 the cost of an hour's labor. Better to change the other two lamps now while we are inside your cabinet than to call us back maybe a few weeks later and pay another hour labor plus the two new lamps.We also change parking lot lights of every type. We can reach 35 ft and supply every type of bulb. Replacement Lamps